Introducing Lab to Transform Finance for Just Transition Movement.

February 28, 2024
1 min read


  • The Just Transition Finance Lab was launched in London to shift focus towards a just transition in financing decisions for climate action.
  • The Lab aims to embed the principles of social justice, stakeholder engagement, and dialogue into the global financial system to drive a green economy and social advancements.

As the vast majority of financing decisions for climate action do not explicitly consider social opportunities and risks, the Just Transition Finance Lab was recently launched in London to address this gap. Led by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and the LSE, the Lab aims to bring the principles of a just transition to life through research, advocacy, stakeholder engagement, and designing innovative solutions. Nick Robins, the executive director, emphasized the importance of transforming the global financial system to support a just transition as the world faces the urgent need for climate action.

The Lab’s main priorities include designing financial instruments, establishing effective metrics, identifying policy reforms, and stimulating breakthrough innovations. By embedding a just transition into net zero strategies and working closely with organizations like Scottish energy company SSE, the Lab is driving change towards a green economy that promotes better jobs, gender equality, and community renewal.

Focusing on place-based contexts and local approaches, the Lab is initially targeting the U.K. and India to develop sustainable finance innovations supporting a just transition. Additionally, partnerships like the Just Energy Transition Partnerships aim to provide initial financing to countries in the Global South to address the social consequences of climate change. The Lab envisions making the just transition a bipartisan issue to drive policy reform and implementation globally.

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