Discover top finance podcasts to elevate your financial knowledge and skills.

February 24, 2024
1 min read

Finance and Economy Podcasts


Here are 8 finance and economy podcasts to help you stay informed on economic forces shaping the world:

  • Planet Money from NPR explores the economic angle to current events.
  • Smart Money Podcast from NerdWallet offers lessons and advice on personal finance.

It can be overwhelming to keep up with the constantly changing news about the economy and the market. However, there are podcasts available that can help you stay informed about complex economic topics. From financial lessons and advice to news on the market and its impacts, these podcasts provide valuable insights into the economic forces that are shaping the world. Whether you are looking to refresh your knowledge or start learning about finance and the economy, these podcasts offer a wide range of topics to explore.

Planet Money from NPR explores the economic angle to current events from around the world, providing insights into how history shapes the world today and offering explanations on trending news about the economy. Meanwhile, the Smart Money Podcast from NerdWallet focuses on personal finance, offering lessons and advice on wealth building, investing, and handling loans. These podcasts, along with others like Moody’s Talks – Inside Economics and Fast Money from CNBC, are valuable resources for anyone looking to skill up in finance and economics.

Whether you are interested in learning about the global economy, understanding market trends, or making strategic money decisions, these podcasts cover a wide range of topics that cater to different interests within the realm of finance and the economy. By tuning in to these podcasts, you can gain valuable insights and stay informed on the economic forces that are shaping the world today.

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