Selectboard, Finance Committee choose to avoid layoffs in 2025 budget.

February 22, 2024
1 min read


Members of the Selectboard and Finance Committee in Great Barrington decided against laying off Town Hall employees to reduce the proposed fiscal 2025 budget, which includes a 5.9 percent increase from the current year’s budget. The town’s school assessment for the Berkshire Hills Regional School District budget is also seeing an increase. During a joint meeting, the boards recommended cuts to the budget, including removing a police cruiser purchase and cutting down on DPW capital requests. Town Manager Mark Pruhenski proposed three budget cut options, two of which involved staff layoffs, but the boards rejected them, opting to maintain employee positions.

Great Barrington’s proposed fiscal 2025 budget is set at $46.1 million, with a $2.58 million increase from the current year’s budget

At a joint meeting, the Selectboard and Finance Committee recommended cuts totaling $123,350, with a focus on reducing capital requests

Town Manager Mark Pruhenski proposed three budget cut options, two of which involved laying off staff, but both boards agreed to maintain employee positions

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