North American Insurtech, Foxquilt, teams up with Markel for success.

January 17, 2024
1 min read

Foxquilt, a leading North American insurtech company, has announced a strategic collaboration with global specialty insurance provider Markel. The collaboration aims to enhance embedded insurance innovation for small business owners, agents/brokers, and enterprise partners across North America. Foxquilt’s technology platform uses data analytics to recommend tailored coverage and pricing from its own proprietary commercial insurance products. Small business owners can quote and bind entirely online, creating an end-to-end insurance journey. The collaboration with Markel will support the distribution of Foxquilt’s insurance products and validate their vision of insurance as an innovative and technology-driven industry. Markel will leverage its expertise in small business insurance to empower small business owners with innovative access to tailored coverage. The collaboration will also support the removal of friction from the insurance buying process for small business owners. Foxquilt plans to deepen its presence in the US and expand its network of embedded partners to ensure that small business owners have access to insurance when and where they need it.

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