Maximize your college financial aid with these killer strategies

February 22, 2024
1 min read


  • Problems with the new FAFSA have led to fewer students applying for financial aid.
  • It’s not too late for families worried about college costs to get help.

In a challenging environment where college costs are rising and financial aid application numbers are down, these strategies can help families maximize their financial aid for college. With the average cost of college tuition increasing each year, it is crucial for students and their families to explore all options for financial assistance. The three key strategies outlined in the article are:

1. Apply for financial aid:

The article emphasizes the importance of completing the FAFSA form to qualify for need-based aid like grants, state-based aid, and scholarships. Despite the challenges with the new FAFSA system, students should still prioritize submitting their applications to access potential financial assistance.

2. Ask for more school aid:

Families who have already filed the FAFSA can consider amending their forms or reaching out to the college financial aid office for additional help. This year, award letters may look different, providing an opportunity for families to request more aid if needed, especially in situations where financial circumstances have changed.

3. Pursue private scholarships:

In addition to traditional financial aid, students can also explore merit-based aid options through private scholarships. With over 1.7 million scholarships available, students are encouraged to continue applying for scholarships and exploring resources that match them with opportunities based on their skills and interests.

By following these strategies, families can better navigate the challenges of paying for higher education, especially in a time when college costs continue to rise. It’s important for students and their families to be proactive in seeking financial aid opportunities and exploring various avenues for assistance.

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