Get ready for #DavosBrainstorm2024: Quick tips on Fintech’s game changers

January 17, 2024
1 min read


  • Rishi Khosla, CEO of OakNorth, shared key insights on the future of fintech at the #DavosBrainstorm2024 event.
  • He discussed topics such as the evolution of fintech super apps, funding trends, high and low valuation fintechs, technology and AI models, and the potential for fintech entities to become full-fledged banks.
  • Khosla expressed excitement for groundbreaking changes in the fintech space in the coming year.

At the #DavosBrainstorm2024 event, Rishi Khosla, the Co-founder and CEO of OakNorth, discussed the future of fintech in a rapid-fire round. He touched on various topics, including the evolution of fintech super apps, funding trends, high and low valuation fintechs, technology and AI models, and the potential for fintech entities to become full-fledged banks.

Khosla highlighted the emergence of fintech super apps as a significant trend in the industry. These apps, which offer a wide range of financial services in one platform, have gained popularity among consumers. He also discussed the funding trends across different sectors, pointing out the importance of understanding the specific needs and challenges faced by each sector.

In terms of valuation, Khosla discussed the coexistence of high and low valuation fintechs. He emphasized the need to assess the fundamentals of a company rather than just its valuation. He also highlighted the transformative impact of technology and AI models in the fintech space, enabling companies to enhance efficiency and create innovative solutions.

Another topic of discussion was the potential conversion of fintech entities into full-fledged banks. Khosla explained that while there may be regulatory challenges, the transformation of fintech companies into banks can unlock new opportunities and enable them to offer a broader range of financial services.

Overall, Khosla expressed his excitement for the future of fintech and anticipated groundbreaking changes in the industry in the upcoming year. He believes that the combination of technology advancements and regulatory developments will drive significant advancements in the fintech space.

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