Four charts: Consumers trust banks, not retailers for post-purchase problems.

January 24, 2024
1 min read

TLDR: Most customers prefer to go through their banks rather than retailers for post-purchase issues, with 87.6% of customers claiming they prefer their banks to cancel their subscriptions. This preference is due to the role that banks play in customers’ lives, leading to a transfer of ownership from the retailer to the bank. Retailers would prefer to maintain ownership of the customer even after the purchase is made, but if a customer is unable to receive a refund, they may dispute the charge instead. 72% of customers report thinking that disputes are a valid alternative to requesting a refund from a merchant. The customers’ preference to work with banks on chargebacks is also demonstrated by the fact that 70% of people are at least ‘satisfied’ with the disputing process. Capital One emerges as the leader in customer satisfaction when it comes to disputes.

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