Fargo plans major financial revamp.

February 26, 2024
1 min read


  • Fargo is making big changes to how it handles its finances
  • City officials are planning for the long-term financial future of Fargo

The city of Fargo is reevaluating its financial planning efforts after concerns were raised about its long-term financial sustainability. City Administrator Michael Redlinger emphasized the need for a new approach to ensure success in the long run. One key change being proposed is the development of a long-term financial plan to provide a roadmap for the future. Additionally, there are plans to revamp the city’s employee compensation philosophy to retain and recruit staff in a competitive market.

In an effort to streamline financial operations, Redlinger suggested changing the monthly Finance Committee meetings to quarterly meetings for the full city commission. Private bi-weekly staff meetings would also be introduced to discuss day-to-day financial decisions. The proposed changes come after it was revealed that Finance Committee meetings should have been open to the public since at least 1997.

The city is facing challenges with recruitment and retention of staff, prompting the Director of Human Resources to propose a compensation philosophy and strategy. The goal is to create a consistent plan for compensation decisions to speed up the hiring and promotion process. However, there is a split among commissioners regarding delegating compensation decisions to city staff.

While some commissioners view the proposed changes as best practices to make the budgeting process more productive, others are concerned about staff making compensation decisions. No action was taken on the idea during the meeting, but further discussions are expected in the future. Residents are encouraged to reach out to their elected officials to share their thoughts on the matter.

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