Country Builders Bank and team up for banking advancement.

March 19, 2024
1 min read


Country Builders Bank, Inc. (CBB) in the Philippines has partnered with India’s fintech firm to enhance its banking infrastructure. The collaboration will include core banking, loan origination, anti-money laundering, and mobile banking solutions for retail and corporate clients. The aim is to improve operational efficiency, revenue generation, and market expansion.

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Country Builders Bank, Inc. (CBB) in the Philippines has announced a strategic partnership with, a fintech firm based in India, to advance its banking infrastructure. The collaboration will focus on a comprehensive suite of banking solutions, including core banking, loan origination, anti-money laundering (AML), mobile banking, and internet banking customized for retail and corporate clients.

The President and CEO of CBB, Ismael R. Sandig, expressed the bank’s commitment to enhancing customer experiences, streamlining operations, and driving sustainable growth through this collaboration. By embracing advanced banking technologies provided by, CBB aims to achieve greater operational efficiency, accelerate revenue generation, and expand its market footprint., with its track record of working with 650+ financial institutions across 56 countries, is excited about the partnership with CBB. The President of, Amit Sharma, believes that together they can revolutionize the banking landscape in the Philippines, enhancing operational efficiency and fostering sustainable growth.

The collaboration between CBB and signifies a step towards digital excellence in the banking sector, utilizing innovative solutions to drive digital innovation and deliver value to customers. The implementation of robust core banking and RegTech solutions will automate processes, improve risk management, and enhance compliance measures, solidifying CBB’s position as a trusted financial partner for its customers.

This partnership highlights the importance of digital transformation and operational efficiency in the banking sector, showcasing how technology can drive growth and enhance customer experiences. With the support of, Country Builders Bank is poised to embark on a transformative journey towards digital excellence.

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