BBVA rocks open banking at FinovateEurope 2024 – FinTech news

March 18, 2024
1 min read


  • Jose Luis Navarro, Head of Open Banking Strategy at BBVA, discussed the evolution of open banking and open finance in the EU at FinovateEurope.
  • Key topics include the role of regulators, the future of technology, customer attitudes towards sharing financial data, and the impact of PSD3.

In a video interview at the FinovateEurope conference in London, Jose Luis Navarro, Head of Open Banking Strategy at BBVA, shared insights on the development of open banking and open finance in the EU. Navarro highlighted several key points:

  • Regulators play a crucial role in enabling the benefits of open banking and fostering its growth.
  • The future of technology in open banking is likely to evolve, with potential opportunities for monetization.
  • Understanding and communicating the benefits of open banking to customers is important in gaining their trust and participation.
  • The impending arrival of PSD3 could have significant implications for the open banking and open finance space.

Navarro’s discussion shed light on the current state and future prospects of open banking in the EU, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between industry stakeholders and regulators to drive innovation and customer adoption.

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