ABA Foundation and ARA Team enlighten students with financial literacy.

February 13, 2024
1 min read

The American Bankers Association Foundation (ABA Foundation) has partnered with the American Retirement Association (ARA) to provide financial literacy education to students across the country. The ABA Foundation will enlist ARA members to help spread financial education in schools, focusing on budgeting, financial literacy, and retirement options. ARA members have already volunteered their time for the program, sharing their knowledge with students. The goal is to empower students and young adults to achieve their financial goals and help underserved communities avoid financial exclusion. Financial literacy is particularly low among racially underrepresented populations, and the initiative aims to bridge this gap. The partnership will also address the disparities in retirement planning participation and savings balances among different racial groups. ARA members will be called upon to prepare and educate students in their communities when opportunities arise in different cities each year.

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